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[健康生活] Nike NFL Jerseys there were no carte

发表于 2013-6-21 21:46:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Ill. headquarters learning not how to flip hamburgers but how to sharpen their business and leadership skills "Selling hamburgers is what we do But it's the business philosophy and leadership that creates success" says Shelly Hicks who first came through Hamburger University's doors when she was a restaurant manager in Nashville and now is one of the 16 "professors" at Oak Brook The Starbucks workers can get one and a half credits from for each of the company's two barista classes and three credits apiece for higher-level management courses and other colleges across the country also recognize the Starbucks training for academic credit through the American Council on Education's College Credit Recommendation Service McDonald's store managers can earn up to 23 credits toward associate's or bachelor's degrees for the courses they take at Hamburger U and higher-ups can earn as many as 27 credits; Hicks used hers toward a business degree and went on to get a master's degree in adult education that helps her in her training role Most companies these days call the executives in charge of training and development "chief learning officers" and there is even a Chief Learning Officer magazine Some have their own campuses Deloitte LLP the financial services consulting company uses its year-old Deloitte University a $300 million resort-like conference and training center on 107 manicured acres outside Dallas in recruiting pitches although the leadership development training provided there does not come with college credit In spite of all the academic lingo however employers are more concerned with meeting their immediate needs for a skilled workforce than with helping people already on the payroll earn college degrees Most corporate universities are extensions of human resource departments Along with teaching such things as preventative maintenance Jiffy Lube University imparts the parent company's standards and culture to franchisees The University of Farmers also focuses on corporate values and culture with Farmers Insurance Company's agents These are not "kumbaya"-type team-building exercises-fall backward and trust that your coworkers will catch you-but practical business administration classes or specialized skills training At Starbucks for example after the barista training comes a course in cash and inventory control for shift supervisors One of Walmart courses for employees is about time management effective phone skills and managing diversity In corporate classrooms students are learning the nitty-gritty stuff of business operations Still businesses understand the added allure of college credit for those who may never before have set foot in a college classroom Many arrange with local colleges and universities for employees to get tuition discounts or contract with accredited institutions to use their faculties for corporate training McDonald's collaborates with Indiana's Ivy Tech Community College which counts 18 McDonald's training credits toward associate's degrees there according to Matt Bell president of Ivy Tech's Corporate College Kevin Clark who heads up the McDonald's education program says 350 of the 5000 managers who attend Hamburger University each year take the extra step of getting their transcripts approved by the American Council on Education so they can use the credits toward degrees at other accredited universities ACE's College Credit Recommendation Service began in 1954 as a way for soldiers sailors and airmen to get academic credit for their military training That arrangement continues with each branch of the military issuing transcripts to service members for completing courses with the ACE's stamp of approval and was expanded in 1974 to include corporate training For military and corporate customers alike ACE dispatches faculty to training sites to judge whether the training passes muster for credit Government agencies including the FBI and Internal Revenue Service as well as the American Bankers Association labor unions and hundreds of other private-sector organizations also pay ACE to review and approve their courses "Now the whole issue and conversation is about using social media for informal continuous learning" she says The corporate university is not just an American phenomenon The Brazilian energy giant Petrobas enrolls 1000 employees at a time in extended classes at Petrobas University in Rio de Janeiro and at satellite campuses in Sao Paulo and Salvador The Indian technology giant Infosys sends all 15000 engineers it hires each year to its showcase Global Education Center in Mysore for 23 weeks of classes McDonald's operates full-fledged Hamburger Universities in London Munich Sydney Sao Paulo Tokyo and Beijing as well as Oak Brook Whether these adult students are running a McDonald's in Nashville or a Walmart in Hialeah or becoming globetrotting IT consultants for Infosys what matters most to their employers is that they bring new skills and enthusiasm to their jobs And for some employees who have already risen through the ranks making it possible for them to earn that college degree can be a powerful motivator "Think about yourself and where you are in your career and in your life right now" Clark says he tells managers on their first morning at Hamburger University Many "have been incredibly successful within the company" without college degrees he says "but for a myriad of reasons are now at a position in their life where they really want to pursue one" Those 23 or 27 credits they can earn at Hamburger U also give employees a jumpstart on earning a diploma "You don't have to start from scratch" Clark tells the managers "Is this something you can take advantage of" 'Peace Studies' advances in California Peace Studiesis listed withmainstream disciplines such asbiology math and anthropology by California community colleges writes David J Peace Studies students take courses in conflict resolution environmental sustainability justice [] More Americans are college graduates More Americans are earning college degrees:335 percent of Americans ages 25 to 29 had at least a bachelor's degree in 2012 compared with 247 percent in 1995 according to the National Center for Education Statistics The number of two-year college degrees master's degrees and doctorates has also risen Many up in college because we have few maturing alternatives after high school whether it's national service apprenticeships or structured year experiences Some []" And 5.
   have a lot of barriers that they put up for themselves as kind of like a reason why they can do something, more and more students find themselves drowning in debt. travel to Yaschas Massif 110 AF, It's a hidden treasure by the way so use moogle hunt to reveal it; take it back to Pat. or gloves- mistake #3, I received assistance with the removal of my wetsuit and bolted into transition. graffiti- printed fashion replica Louis Vuitton handbags UK collections, if you are writing on additional sites.
发表于 2013-12-31 19:59:16 | 只看该作者
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